Starting A Home Based Business: The Basics
It is becoming more and more popular to start your own business and women are going into business just as much as men. There is much to know about starting a business, and here there are five important things women should know before starting their business.
Starting A Home Based Business: The Steps
First you are going to want to speak with some business professionals.
Here is a list of persons you will want to speak with to get your business on the right foot:
A good accountant can show you how to set up proper book keeping as well as record keeping for taxes.
A lawyer who specializes in small business can legalize your business name and counsel you on how to protect yourself from possible business related lawsuits.
A casualty or licensed property agent can help you to evaluate your insurance needs. They can better narrow down specific areas that you may need additional insurance coverage.
Lastly you will want to speak to a business coach who can help you find start up money, as well as help in areas of bookkeeping and possible future business expansion.
There are some places you can find more helpful information.
Your local chamber of commerce is a great location to start.
Also local women’s business clubs can steer you in the right direction.
Be sure to check you library for county business directories.
Second be sure to know exactly what type of business insurance you need. It’s best to first check your homeowner’s policy to look for possible personal business coverage. If this is included you can have your policy extended for this coverage. If your policy does not allow this you may find better luck speaking to an independent insurance agent.
Third piece of knowledge is to know ahead of time if you will go into business on your own or with a partner. You will want to decide on either a sole proprietership or a partnership.
If you go solo you are the owner and take on full responsibility for the business. If you choose to take on a co-owner be sure to discuss this with your attorney to discuss any preventive maintenance when it comes to your financial set up.
Fourth, be sure to have a solid idea of the cost of your business. Create a thorough
business plan. This will allow you to know if you will need financial assistance such as a bank loan or if you will want to look for other outside investors. You can also search for government grants that are specifically created for women in business.
Starting A Home Based Business: The Final Step
Fifth and final choose if your business will be run in home or out of home. This choice also includes insurance coverage and grant information.
All of the above go hand in hand to create a solid base for your business. Be sure to speak to business personnel, and do some research.
Knowledge is power when it comes to creating your own business. Arm yourself with all the business knowledge you can. Take some business courses or seminars.
Once you have a good understanding of how your business is to be set up and run you will be well on your way to a successful business.
Hopefully, you should now have a few insights on starting a home based business.