Are You Depending On Just One Form Of Marketing?

If you’re just starting in this business, you might not be sure which marketing channel is best to attract new subscribers.

Most of us depend on only one line of communication to reach our audience – the email list. For most online marketers, the email list is everything: it’s where you are going to derive an income – ideally for the rest of your life.
But you should be very careful, because if you’re too dependent on only one form of media and something happens to that, there goes your entire business.

There was the ‘Can-Spam Act’ that came out, and who knows what kind of email regulations will be here a few years from now? And even though email marketing is still “king” of the many online communication channels, it is becoming less responsive. Open-rates are nothing near what they used to be 5-or-10 years ago.

The best way to protect yourself from being the next ‘fax’ or ‘telemarketing’ story is to build your business up on more than one leg. You need lots of different legs supporting your table if you want to stay ahead.

Here are five-ways to expand your communication channels.

1. Direct-Mail
You can use direct mail to send a newsletter to your paid subscribers. On the back, you could include a photo of one of your Live Events.

2. Facebook Groups
A Facebook group is completely free, and it’s very easy to set up. Once they get into your group, you’ll have another option to reach them.

3. YouTube Marketing
Getting subscribers on YouTube is great, because every time you release a new video on YouTube, ALL your subscribers get notified. It’s like having a completely different list.

4. Re-targeting
Some online marketers are very successful with re-targeting. They collect the cookies from website clicks, and then they have banner ads follow that person around online. When you do this, it’s also like building another communication channel.

5. Phone-call Marketing
Try to collect phone numbers when someone is opting-in on your lead generation page, you can use this as another communication channel as well.

I’m not saying you need to master five new marketing channels. But I am saying that you need to open up more communication methods, which isn’t necessarily adding a whole new layer to your learning curve.

In conclusion, I really hope this advice today helps you diversify your marketing channels. And if you want to make more, and cut your learning curve even faster, I have a great opportunity for you.

This is an amazing marketing system called The MTTB System and it could show you how to get wealthy in just 21-Steps.

If you want to learn how to leverage this little-known secret, and start making $1,250… $3,300… and even $5,500 deposited into your bank account on autopilot, you should click the link to my free video below.

This video gives you all the details you need to start this wealth-building system. But don’t delay! Watch the free video Below:


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