Network Marketing Training: Giving Your Downline a Level Playing-Field

A big problem in network marketing is ineffective, incomplete and sometimes even non-existent training for new downline members.

Educating your recruits about the program and its commission structure is a good first, but this is not enough. You need to train them in the execution of a real marketing system.

If the benefit of doing this isn’t immediately obvious, then take a moment to consider the most frequent complaints that upline members hear from their downline.

“I don’t know where or how to find leads.”

“No one is joining under me.”

“I’ve been working at this forever, and I’m still not making enough money.”

Each of these complaints is symptomatic of inadequate training, and the lack of a clear marketing system. Don’t blame your downline or tell them they “just aren’t motivated enough.” They want to succeed as much as you do.

But if you cut them loose with no clear path to success, they WILL lose motivation. There’s not much point in working a program if you can’t get it to WORK.

What your downline needs is for you to teach them what YOU did to achieve success. You may not realize that you used a marketing system if getting results is “old hat” or second-nature to you.

However, if you’ll sit down and think about the steps you’ve taken, you’ll realize you DO have a marketing system. There’s no way you’d be where you are if you didn’t.

Write these steps down as they come to you: What do I do to generate leads? What do I do to follow up with them? How is it that I get those leads to convert at the rate that they do?

Then, turn around and teach this step-by-step system to your downline. Show them how to follow your model, so they can duplicate your results. This need not be time-consuming.

If you can get your downline onto an e-mail list, you can automate the training. You’ll only have to write out the training materials just once. After that, you can deliver these materials via an e-mail ‘autoresponder’.

Its so simple, but it can make such a huge difference.

So, if you want to improve your results across the board, don’t shirk your responsibilities. Provide your downline with the proper network marketing training by showing them how to set up a real marketing system for success

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