How do I pick a side of the fence?

Question by sashawk: How do I pick a side of the fence?
My name is Sarah, I am starting my own home-based business with Reliv International, a company that manufactures nutritional products. My family is opposed to the idea, but because I have received amazing health results I am all about this company. What if you were in business for yourself and you had a quality product that actually improved people’s lives and they thanked you for it, a quality product that no equal or challenger that could actually produce continuous repeat orders, and so unique that it actually carried a US Government patent and 100% money back guarantee. This product is great and the company is perfect with their compensation plan that I may actually be able to supplement my income and possibly replace my income 2 or 3 times. That is the truth and my family won’t even take the time to hear about what I am doing to change people’s lives and achieve better health. Should I listen to my heart and ignore the fam?

Best answer:

Answer by DakB
I think you will follow your heart no matter what. May I speak to the families side? They won’t really care as long as you are happy and DON’T try to sell them on every phone call that you make to them. Let them see your success before you start to try to sell to your family. I finally told my mother, I called to talk to you not get a sales pitch. I hang up on tele marketers, I don’t want to have to do that to my mother. She still tries and I HATE IT! Just food for thought!

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