Q&A: Which type of computer is best to use for medical billing and coding?

Question by tripeace: Which type of computer is best to use for medical billing and coding?
I am starting a home based medical billing business. I want a laptop for my business. My sales agent is convinced that a netbook will do the trick, but I am not so sure. Will I be able to perform billing tasks sucessfully with a laptop or netbook? Which is best? Are there any other accessories that I will need?

Best answer:

Answer by Rudy
This question just staggers the mind, but here goes . . . . .

First off why do you want a laptop for a HOME based business. A laptop costs more upfront and if it does break it will cost a lot more to fix. You can get a better, faster, desktop system with more storage for less money.

You will also need a good printer, get a laser printer not a ink jet printer. The cost of Ink for the ink jet will kill you over time.

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