Question by Paul: I need a good community based kids program for my kids to join or help start up. Do you know a good one?
I’m looking to start something for my kids, mainly after school, something a home schooler parents would like so that other families could join them. (I’m not a home schooler parent). I would like them to have hands on experiences in being able to develope small skills to build character and confidence and to be able to help themseves and others. At home skills, tools, car care, any thing related to or around the home including cooking and sewing. Looking for projects but nothing in the way of sports; excepting hiking and camping. Any thing out doors would be great. Also day trips to business “friendly” local business locations, including farms and ranches. I’m a retired teacher and counselor. I live 30-40 miles south of Fort Worth, TX.
Best answer:
Answer by richard t
Music! American Piano Schools proved it and offers advice and service, trips and events also work well, like a Friday After School Club. You can hire a music teacher to come in and give group lessons.
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