Can you fly helicopters in the reserves?

Question by Aaron S: Can you fly helicopters in the reserves? I’m an engineering major, have good eye-sight, and have been considering flying as a part-time career aside an engineering or law based profession. However, after reading some things, I’m not certain on whether or not reserve branches of the Army and the Coast Guard… Continue reading Can you fly helicopters in the reserves?

Q&A: I really want to be home with my children more, What legitimate things can I do to make money at home?

Question by Nikki: I really want to be home with my children more, What legitimate things can I do to make money at home? My husband makes fairly good money however I need to bring in some income to help and for things to not be so tight. With two kids I want to make… Continue reading Q&A: I really want to be home with my children more, What legitimate things can I do to make money at home?