Does anyone know of a company where you can sell their products on eBay and don’t have to pay an initial fee?

Question by akaroky: Does anyone know of a company where you can sell their products on eBay and don’t have to pay an initial fee? I am looking for a home-based computer business that I can do without an initial fee. Does anyone know of products that can be sold for a company without paying… Continue reading Does anyone know of a company where you can sell their products on eBay and don’t have to pay an initial fee?

anyone know about the dummies guide to finacial freedom?

Question by Kali K: anyone know about the dummies guide to finacial freedom? Im looking to start a home-based business and I was hoping to get some background and tips on how to proceed. Best answer: Answer by troI suggest you go to and request the Publication 34 on small busineses this will give… Continue reading anyone know about the dummies guide to finacial freedom?