Payments received in 2009 for services rendered in 2010 are to be reported during which tax year?

Question by Inquisitive: Payments received in 2009 for services rendered in 2010 are to be reported during which tax year? I am a music teacher. My studio is a home-based business and I am a sole-proprietor. I received a few hundred dollars in payments in December of 2009 that are for lessons that started in… Continue reading Payments received in 2009 for services rendered in 2010 are to be reported during which tax year?

Why are my prospective clients kept falling asleep during my presentation?

Question by Super Midget IX: Why are my prospective clients kept falling asleep during my presentation? During the presentation about my water drilling company, my clients kept falling asleep – especially when I get to the drill bits. Am I too boring? It’s a hole new ground level home based business I am developing –… Continue reading Why are my prospective clients kept falling asleep during my presentation?