How do people find out about movie auditions?

Question by Taylor: How do people find out about movie auditions? I’ve always wondered how people previously unknown to the “business” get into movies. I mean I know some people have connections to people who know people who know..(You get what I’m saying.) How on earth would someone go about catching wind of auditions for… Continue reading How do people find out about movie auditions?

Q&A: I have no skills to speak of and am now find myself in the position to be the sole-support of my family.?

Question by Rocki: I have no skills to speak of and am now find myself in the position to be the sole-support of my family.? I’m great with kids and animals and would like to start some kind of home-based business but can’t think of anything to do. Any suggestions? Best answer: Answer by smrtypantsonfireSounds… Continue reading Q&A: I have no skills to speak of and am now find myself in the position to be the sole-support of my family.?