How can I make some extra bucks on the weekends?

Question by p0stiv3paul: How can I make some extra bucks on the weekends? Im an electrical engineer. Cant quite afford that ferrari haha If you say online business than an online business that does what? Ok how must I stress this! An online business that does WHAT!? Anything other than online business is much appreciated… Continue reading How can I make some extra bucks on the weekends?

How much verbal abuse do you have to put up with from customers?

Question by Empress ~of~Roam: How much verbal abuse do you have to put up with from customers? I am working in a home based computer oriented business and for the last week I have been working with a customer who is demanding, rude, vulgar, and down right nasty. He calls me names, continually curses at… Continue reading How much verbal abuse do you have to put up with from customers?