How can I get motivated to start-up my home based business?

Question by Hoping he will bless me with #1: How can I get motivated to start-up my home based business?
I used to work full-time and run a home-based business from home. My clientele consisted of a chiropractor, a real estate agent and an electrical contractor. I would provide administrative and data-entry services to them. I made decent money on the side. But that was 6 years ago. It was hard for me to stay focused then and it is really hard for me to stay focused now. Since getting married 3 years ago, I can’t seem to keep my mind on any one thing. I really have a desire to start a home-based business again, but I just can’t seem to sit down and start marketing the business. I did have two clients, but when they would give me projects it would take me forever to get them done. I would procrastinate and procrastinate and at the very last minute I would do the work and return it.

What seems to be my problem? I have good work ethics at my full-time job. But when it comes to working from home I get frustrated. I really want to do this. What suggestions do you have?

Best answer:

Answer by John M
It sounds like you’re fooling yourself. Your full-time work ethic seems good yet you find no real passion to do more. If you really wanted to get the home based business going you’d have already done it.

If what you’re feeling is a desire to only do a home-based business then I’d take the time to find one that really interests you and begin to think of it as a career move from your full-time work today. Whatever you do don’t start something without having a strong desire to do it.

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