How to market your online business?

Question by Entreprenuer Mind: How to market your online business?
Do anyone have any successful ideas on how to market, advertise you online business. Its a website that allows others to advertise thier local business, online business, how to manage, budget, and make money online, with most of the online business to make money from are free? Please give me successful ideas, ones that have worked for people you know or yourself.

Best answer:

Answer by jbeaul
Online businesses need quality on-topic content that acts as a magnet to draw qualified prospects. In addition, you need to spread the word online by providing quality expert information on user conversation sites (e.g. Y! Answers) that include links back to your site if your site offers services that may benefit the people you’re responding to.

Be sure you are ‘pinging’ the search engines so they know to come crawl your site.

If you have a newsworthy announcement you should consider the opportunities available by using online press releases. There are free places to do this but it’s reported that the value available from the company I work at (PRWeb) is worth the spend (starts at $ 80).

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