Question by Dr. G: Looking to start online pet sitting business with a good friend?
We want to be a online business where pet owners pay lets say $ 1 a month and they can get set up with care providers. The care providers don’t pay anything. We want to register the company in NJ but of course accept members to join from all over the US. Is this a NJ Profit Corporation, Professional Corporation, Limited Liability Comany, Limited Partnership, OR Limited Liability Partnership.
Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by shane wistley
If you are charmed by all things furred, feathered and finned, this is the profession for you. As a professional pet sitter, you will care for people’s pets while they’re away, either for the day or for longer periods of time like during vacations or business trips. Pet sitters play with their charges, feed them, brush them, and possibly give them medication or injections. They often offer other services to make life easier for their customers, like cleaning up accidents and changing cat litter boxes, bringing in newspapers and mail, watering plants and taking out trash.
Since you’re in pet sitting business you need them to protect from fleas and lick. Frontline Plus for Cats and Frontline Plus for Dogs.
Hope this a help!
God bless!
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