Q&A: I need an idea for a home based business with low start up costs…..?

Question by : I need an idea for a home based business with low start up costs…..?
Can anyone help me brainstorm on ideas for a home based business? any ideas welcome… others experiences……

Best answer:

Answer by Those Days Are Gone Forever
That depends on your skill set.

If you are proficient with a computer language like HTTP and especially SQL your startup cost will be that of the computer, a few programs, $ 1,000 a most assuming you don’t already on a PC and the cost of the internet.

Businesses always need good web designers and SQL programmers.

I know a girl who does it, sleeps till noon every day and works from home in her pajamas and makes $ 80,000 a year. Of course she likes working at 2 and 3 in the morning.

Edit: Opinion Outpost is legit, believe it or not. But, you won’t make a living doing that. I’ve made about $ 30 in three months off it. Good for a nice case of beer.

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