How do you start a small home business legally?

Question by Lavetta: How do you start a small home business legally?
I would like to start a home business. (not an Internet based business). How do I go about starting one from home? Also how do I start one Legally. I live In New York State.

Best answer:

Answer by Steve D
It depends on the type of small business you intend on opening. If it is the type of business where you use the home as an office only and do not have clients coming to your door, then all you need in most jurisdictions is a business license. However, if the business entails food of any kind (i.e., catering), you will most likely need a health insurance inspection and clearance. Finally, if your home business involves people coming to your door (say a hair salon), then you most likely need a zoning variance as you will be running a retail establishment in a residential area.

Obviously, given that we do not have much information on what you intend to do, more detailed explanations cannot be given.

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