Q&A: Has Anyone ever tried this home based business?

Question by Cloe’s Mom!!!: Has Anyone ever tried this home based business?
Have anyone ever tried this home based business listed below?


I don’t want to put money into something until I know whether it’s legit or a scam. I just want info from people who have actually tried it or know someone who has tried it.

Best answer:

Answer by L. E. Gant
Most internet businesses are based on affiliate structures. The one thing to remember is that they can’t guarantee you will get the same results as other people. It’s not that they are scams, but they recognise the simple truth that “until product moves, nobody gets paid”. I always have a niggle of doubt when they say “no work” or “no selling”, and make it sound so simple that anyone can do it.

I’ve dealt with a fair number of people who have succeeded through this kind of offer, but I’ve met even more who have got nowhere. Both the “failures” and “successes” have worked the system as outlined in the instructions, but their degree of success has been highly variable.

My advice: be very careful with what you buy through these offers, even if they look free. The success is a matter of how much you are willing to put in to make it successful, but they don’t suit everyone equally. If you can’t afford to lose whatever it costs to get into the scheme, then avoid them – they are learning experiences, and you can only stay in business for as long as you can afford to make mistakes and screw up.

Good luck!

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