Question by King of CancĂșn: Has anyone heard of a home based business called Traverus Travel?
I have been researching a home based business opportunity called Traverus Travel and I’m always sketchy about them. This one sounded good, but after reading some things on it I’m not sure anymore. It’s basically an MLM (multi-level marketing), but compared to others it sounded like it could work. Does anyone know anything about this company or anyone that works for them that could help me out?
Best answer:
Answer by jbeckford718
Before you consider joining or paying for another “GET RICH QUICK” SCAM, read this free article.
Wouldn’t it be the shit,(excuse the language) to make stacks of money quickly, with not much effort,working at home in your night clothes?Yes of course it would.Me myself just love to have cash flow into my bank account,only working a few hours a week from home,getting to spend time with my family,without a nagging boss breathing down my neck.
No matter if it’s selling by classified ads,real estate investing,stock market investing,internet affiliate marketing,or whatever it is,we’ve all seen the bullshit claims people make about making tons of money and how they can show you how to do the same thing.Well I’m going to tell you right now that a very high percentage of these people are frauds.You might have even been a victim to some of these frauds,selling you there “Get Rich Quick” program.I’ve been a victim myself buying so many of these programs,wishing on a star hoping they work,one after the other.Now i’m PISSED.I decided to get to the bottom of these get rich programs,and find out if there is any LEGIT programs for making money.
I contacted the administrator of quiet a few get rich quick website I could find.Acting as an investor,I managed to convince some of the owners that I seriously was interested in purchasing their entire website and business.Once they seen the dollar signs in their vision ,they gave me free access to the members area to review what I was suppose to be buying.Still i’m Pissed off.What I repeatedly found was that the owners bragging about how many people bought there piece of shit programs.I found:
* non-working links
* no real email support
* outdated info
* links leading to other sites that asked for more money
* no help section
I come to realize that these no good for shit programs are useless,and the owners are laughing straight to the bank like rapper 50 cent ha ha ha ha haaaaaa.I damn sure did not respond back to them when they asked if I was still interested in buying their site.To my surprise though while going through these scum scam artist websites,I found a couple individuals that actually ran legit programs.The owners were everyday people like you and me that found a way to make a decent living at home from their computers.They have great info on how to make,hundreds or even thousands doing very little work.You have to be dedicated to anything you start or it won’t work,once you have the ball rolling,easy steady money with little work.
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