Teenager who wants to start online business?

Question by lucilleshayne: Teenager who wants to start online business?
Can I have my own business or will it need to be under my parents name?
My cousin and I want to start an online business (both 16 years old). How do we start business? Is it a Partnership? Under who’s names? What do we need to file?

Best answer:

Answer by l.luis11
A lot of people want to start a online biz to supplement there income.
What you need to do is get trained to achieve your goals, there’s no
short cuts.
What i did after an exhaustive search, i found a multimillionaire that
is looking for people that are coachable.
His name is Mack Michaels, and his website is second to none.
You need to check this website out because is educational, easy to
understand. It will explain everything you need to do to accomplish
your goals. I recommend that you GO NOW, he is teaching only
a handful of students. The spots are filling up quick.
What i would do because your so eager, get your parents involved
and you and your cousin can start making money.

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