Q&A: help for business class.. why are more women going into home based businesses?

Question by casscap09: help for business class.. why are more women going into home based businesses?
as an assignment, we’re supposed to give a report on why more and more women are going into home based businesses.. and not just about family, but other reasons, like environment. but i have no ideas =( .. any moms or women out there that can help me out as to why you went into a home based business and the pros/cons… like daycare, avon, hair styling out of home.. anything.. THANK YOU!

Best answer:

Answer by Belle of the Ball Flagstaff
I own a Wedding Planning business. I started this business because

A- I have a baby I wanted to stay home with.
B. I love planning weddings, and I don’t need an outside office to do it.
C. Flexibility and some control over my own time.
D. With the cost of gas, lunches out, wardrobe etc, it doesn’t make sense to put my child in daycare to bring home a few hundred extra dollars.
E. Be my own boss, make my own business decisions.


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