Question by mikerob08: are online business degree useful in the workforce?
what are the differences in admission standards between an online business degree and standard MBA. which one is cheaper as far as tuition and other costs.
Best answer:
Answer by CoachT
It all depends entirely on the school. There are some online programs that are exceedingly easy to get in to and some that are very hard. Some will take anyone with a checkbook, others only take the best and brightest.
Same with costs, there are programs at around $ 5000 and others that will run you near $ 100K.
Places like Duke University teach online (neither easy to get into or cheap) and places like UPhoenix and DeVry (Keller) teach online (not cheap but pretty easy to get into). Then there are places like UMass and UFlorida and Florida State that teach online and they are reasonably priced and reasonable to get into.
As for usefulness; this too depends on the source of the degree but also depends on your own motivations. If you get an MBA from Duke and then get yourself a job tending bar at Joe’s – you won’t find the MBA all that beneficial.
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