Question by i_am_kathy: what is a good idea for an online business?
i’m a student and i’m trying to think of a good idea for a website/online business type thing to earn a little money on the side… i was just curious as to what some of you have tried to find online, but haven’t… like what is a need that people have and the site hasn’t been created yet?
Best answer:
Answer by Dan
Hi Kat:
It’s not a good idea to start a site that hasn’t been done before. You need to compete with the ones that service the traffic. In other words, without traffic you’ve got no business and no income. Do a better job than they do, or at least as good and you’ll make tons.
You need to know What to market (sell), How to sell it and Where to sell it.
It’s best to search your self for the answer to what business. Cause if your not passionate about it, it’ll be like work.
More info in the article link below, have fun…
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