If you travel, would you like to get paid for doing it?

Question by Philip D: If you travel, would you like to get paid for doing it? I can introduce you to a home-based business that does just that! Are you interested? Best answer: Answer by Miguel HI have and I have… been there and done that and I didn’t need a “home based business” to… Continue reading If you travel, would you like to get paid for doing it?

Q&A: Would like ideas on a name for printing business?

Question by Sunshine: Would like ideas on a name for printing business? Starting a home-based business making invitations and greeting cards. Would like ideas for a trendy name that is catchy, creative and unique. Not interested in simple things like (cards 4 u, cards by …, cardshoppe, etc.) Thanks! Best answer: Answer by rayt721YOU-nique Boutique… Continue reading Q&A: Would like ideas on a name for printing business?