Do Baby boomers need computer skills to be successful with online marketing?

Now more than ever we are hearing this question… Do Baby boomers need computer skills to be successful with online marketing? Here is a very common question people are asking all the time… “What level of computer skills do Baby boomers need to be successful with Online Marketing?” As many baby boomers see retirement on… Continue reading Do Baby boomers need computer skills to be successful with online marketing?

Have UNMET GOALS? (Try Dilbert’s strategy…)

It stinks when goals aren’t steadily met… Especially financial goals… “Losers Have Goals. Winners Have Systems.” -Scott Adams Seems like a HARSH QUOTE from the creator of the iconic Dilbert Comic Strip. Yet, he was speaking from his own experience. His key point? It’s nearly impossible to fail when you have a SYSTEM. Not a… Continue reading Have UNMET GOALS? (Try Dilbert’s strategy…)