4-Surprising Ways to Get Your First Few Sales Online

I’m going to give you some advice I wish someone had given me when starting out, about making your first few sales online. The first and very most important thing for any startup business is to focus ALL your energy on getting your first few sales, because those first sales will start bringing in cash.… Continue reading 4-Surprising Ways to Get Your First Few Sales Online

Have UNMET GOALS? (Try Dilbert’s strategy…)

It stinks when goals aren’t steadily met… Especially financial goals… “Losers Have Goals. Winners Have Systems.” -Scott Adams Seems like a HARSH QUOTE from the creator of the iconic Dilbert Comic Strip. Yet, he was speaking from his own experience. His key point? It’s nearly impossible to fail when you have a SYSTEM. Not a… Continue reading Have UNMET GOALS? (Try Dilbert’s strategy…)