Compare New Generation Technological Age VS. Physical Labor Mentality of Our Grandparents?

Question by Curious2Know: Compare New Generation Technological Age VS. Physical Labor Mentality of Our Grandparents? I am comparing how we earn a living in such a technological age versus the emphasis of a “physical labor” mentality of our grandparents. Everyone has the ability to now start an online business, home-based business or become an entrepreneur.… Continue reading Compare New Generation Technological Age VS. Physical Labor Mentality of Our Grandparents?

ideas that might work for an online business? give me your ideas :D?

Question by Steven: ideas that might work for an online business? give me your ideas :D? hopefully you all know of a low starting capital, high revenue online business (of course we all dream for it!) but, i have been thinking and theres no joy! does anybody have any ideas on a item that may… Continue reading ideas that might work for an online business? give me your ideas :D?