Question by Paul: I need a good community based kids program for my kids to join or help start up. Do you know a good one? I’m looking to start something for my kids, mainly after school, something a home schooler parents would like so that other families could join them. (I’m not a home… Continue reading I need a good community based kids program for my kids to join or help start up. Do you know a good one?
Tag: Good
Q&A: Good ideas for getting the word out about my “home based cleaning business?”?
Question by kimberlygrichard: Good ideas for getting the word out about my “home based cleaning business?”? I’ve started my own cleaning service and I’m having a hard time getting the word out about it. I’ve printed up tons of flyers and have walked around my neighborhood putting them on doors (since its illegal to put… Continue reading Q&A: Good ideas for getting the word out about my “home based cleaning business?”?