Question by Patience: Is it possible to keep my house clean and have 4 children under 4 too? I am a wife and mother. I have a hubby that really hates to help, but will if I ask, but then thats it. No intiutive of his own to help. Then I have 4 children 1,2,3… Continue reading Q&A: Is it possible to keep my house clean and have 4 children under 4 too?
Tag: help
Can someone help me with a catchy name for my accounting business?
Question by s & s 4 life: Can someone help me with a catchy name for my accounting business? My mom and myself will be getting ready to starting a home base business. The business will consist of accounting, print work, and fax & copy services. I was thinking about “At Anytime and On Time… Continue reading Can someone help me with a catchy name for my accounting business?