Question by : Looking to start a small home-based business where we sell dog and cat supplies. Any advice? ? We are looking to start a small home-based business where we sell dog and cat supplies. Nothing fancy and all cutesie, real things that real people need. Everything from dog houses, training supplies, collars, leashes,… Continue reading Looking to start a small home-based business where we sell dog and cat supplies. Any advice? ?
Tag: Homebased
I started a home-based business. Can I take tax deductions on the inclome from my regular job?
Question by Entidine: I started a home-based business. Can I take tax deductions on the inclome from my regular job? I started a small Web-based business out of my, mostly for fun and to learn about dot-com stuff. The business isn’t making any money yet and don’t expect it to do so for at least… Continue reading I started a home-based business. Can I take tax deductions on the inclome from my regular job?