Can I file for taxes in the States for my American home-based business conducted in Canada?

Question by : Can I file for taxes in the States for my American home-based business conducted in Canada? I live in Canada, but am not a resident or citizen yet. My home-based business is American, but I conduct it in Canada. Can I file for taxes in the States, even though I don’t live… Continue reading Can I file for taxes in the States for my American home-based business conducted in Canada?

Q&A: where would i find a sponsor for my home-based business?

Question by karri j: where would i find a sponsor for my home-based business? I’m looking for a sponsor for my home-based business. The company and products I will be representing is Herbalife one of the top companies in the health and wellness industry. Best answer: Answer by shiprepairwomanIf that is a MLM maybe your… Continue reading Q&A: where would i find a sponsor for my home-based business?