Question by Cisco: How do I go about selling a very small home-based business? What is the best method to sell a very small home-based business? I think it may be too small to go through a business broker, so not certain what the best way to market or advertise the sale of the business.… Continue reading How do I go about selling a very small home-based business?
Tag: Homebased
Can I claim tax deductions even if my home-based business didn’t make a penny?
Question by moneyreligion: Can I claim tax deductions even if my home-based business didn’t make a penny? Does a business, home-based or not, need to have any sort of income to get the tax deduction advantages? Help me be less accounting challenged. Best answer: Answer by **sarz**I was always under the impression that the less… Continue reading Can I claim tax deductions even if my home-based business didn’t make a penny?