How do you prepare your home-based Massage business for tax season?

Question by : How do you prepare your home-based Massage business for tax season? I’m getting ready to open my home-based business in a couple weeks and I’m looking for advice on how to prepare my receipts for taxes. Because the business name is my name only, I only have to file yearly on my… Continue reading How do you prepare your home-based Massage business for tax season?

Can my home-based business have a different address than home?

Question by : Can my home-based business have a different address than home? I am starting-up a home-based, non-retail business in California, but want the business address to be in another nearby city for a variety of reasons. How do I legally do this? Best answer: Answer by FAshionPassionyou have to have a physical location… Continue reading Can my home-based business have a different address than home?