What type of business can be started with little or no start-up money?

Question by work 4 self: What type of business can be started with little or no start-up money? I consider “low” start-up cost to be under $ 5000.00. Also, if there are any businesses that could probably get a grant to get started. I contacted the SBA (Small Business Admin.) and was told that the… Continue reading What type of business can be started with little or no start-up money?

Q&A: I really want to be home with my children more, What legitimate things can I do to make money at home?

Question by Nikki: I really want to be home with my children more, What legitimate things can I do to make money at home? My husband makes fairly good money however I need to bring in some income to help and for things to not be so tight. With two kids I want to make… Continue reading Q&A: I really want to be home with my children more, What legitimate things can I do to make money at home?