Question by Seraphina: I need a good Photography Business name? I am making business cards for a small home based photography business I am going to start. Got any ideas? I take pictures of animals, usually pets, and people, usually children. Thank you. Best answer: Answer by naturalbabyxomaybe your last name then photographer Or something… Continue reading Q&A: I need a good Photography Business name?
Tag: Photography
I am doing a project in school about opening up my own photography busniess can anyone Help me?
Question by RedHead85: I am doing a project in school about opening up my own photography busniess can anyone Help me? I need to created a budget plan in excel but I need to find out a list of Equipment and supplies I might need to start up my Business as a wedding photographer. So… Continue reading I am doing a project in school about opening up my own photography busniess can anyone Help me?