How do you start an online business?

Question by Raven: How do you start an online business? I’m a college student and as it’s hard to find jobs around here, I was starting to think about doing something more home based: an online business. I was considering selling some things I own/made like jewelry. How would I go about doing this? Can… Continue reading How do you start an online business?

How can I find some quick (and easy) tips on creating my own website? Writing HTML code?

Question by redhead524: How can I find some quick (and easy) tips on creating my own website? Writing HTML code? I want my own home-based internet business. Any ideas would be appreciated. I don’t want any MLM or pyramid scams, nor do I want anything that requires me to “become a member”, etc. I want… Continue reading How can I find some quick (and easy) tips on creating my own website? Writing HTML code?