Q&A: where would i find a sponsor for my home-based business?

Question by karri j: where would i find a sponsor for my home-based business? I’m looking for a sponsor for my home-based business. The company and products I will be representing is Herbalife one of the top companies in the health and wellness industry. Best answer: Answer by shiprepairwomanIf that is a MLM maybe your… Continue reading Q&A: where would i find a sponsor for my home-based business?

What would you type in a search if you where looking for a home based business?

Question by Home biz-guy: What would you type in a search if you where looking for a home based business? For example: best home based business,real home based business OR?????? How would you begin your search, and on Yahoo? OR Google? Thanks! Best answer: Answer by VegasCome up with your own idea and research importing.… Continue reading What would you type in a search if you where looking for a home based business?