How Difficult Would It Be To Start This Kind of Business?

Question by –: How Difficult Would It Be To Start This Kind of Business? I can easily purchase a greeting card creator for my computer, I have very little start-up money but I am very creative and I would like to set up an online business selling my work. They come out almost like they… Continue reading How Difficult Would It Be To Start This Kind of Business?

Q&A: Ideas for what would actually sell on ebay for extra money?

Question by BeeBee: Ideas for what would actually sell on ebay for extra money? It is hard to have a home based business…is there anything that you know of that actually can be sold on ebay for extra money? Best answer: Answer by ss98There is a market for everything and anything on ebay. I sell… Continue reading Q&A: Ideas for what would actually sell on ebay for extra money?