Question by John: Where can a find and a good online business to start?
I have tried several online business systems but I am searching for an honest company that offers real help from real people.
Best answer:
Answer by Benny
You can’t.
When going into any business you have to start with a need. Salespeople do a lot of talking to try to establish value in the products they’re trying to sell, but if people don’t want it, they’re not going to buy it.
These systems wherein you have to pay for their idea are great online businesses, but not for their customers, you. They make money on your (no offense) ignorance of how businesses work.
If they really had a product that was as desired as they tell you it is, they could sell the product themselves and wouldn’t need you to do it for them.
Online businesses are very labor intensive, full time endeavors. It is much easier to sell from a brick & mortar business than it is online. Judge an online business “opportunity” by how you shop online.
If this system you’re asked to buy isn’t selling something you (and we out here in internet land) seek to trade our hard earned money for, nobody will buy your product or service.
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