Q&A: what are the activities and the products that must be offered in the bakery as a home business?

Question by zainab: what are the activities and the products that must be offered in the bakery as a home business?
i want to start a new home-based business and i’m thinking of healthy bakery, which offering healthy low-calorie intake baked like cookies, cakes and pastries.

just for collection more ideas,
what are the activities and the products that must be offered in this business
how can i make it unique


Best answer:

Answer by Tynnisha
Well, seeing as though you are trying to start a healthy bakery, you could create a website with healthy baking recipes, health tips, etc. You could explain the important of baking healthy.

Also, this is another idea that just popped in my head. You could create a page where two pictures are placed side by side, and visitors can vote on which they think is the healthier version. If they choose correctly, you can direct them to the recipe. If they choose the less healthy version, you can direct them to a page where they can find healthy alternatives to this food. Just an idea 🙂 If I had a website like this, that’s what I would do. 🙂

Good luck!

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