Question by : Anybody out there with a positive (non-fraud, non-scam) home based business opportunity to offer?
Anybody out there with a positive (non-fraud, non-scam) home based business opportunity to offer??? Something that actually works and earns income as opposed to empty promises. Tried too many of them and they were all full of bigtime BS! Any actual success stories? Sick and tired of all the frauds out there! -A.E.
Best answer:
Answer by MarcapPub
There are two main types of work at home businesses:
The first is Affiliate Marketing, whereby you promote other people’s products and services, and get paid a commission on any sales you generate from your efforts. Take note however, that no reputable company will ever charge you a fee to join their particular program. If anyone charges a fee to join, it’s a scam.
The second is selling your own products (or someone else’s such as would be the case with drop shipping) through marketing venues such as Amazon or eBay. And again, no reputable company will ever charge you a fee to join their particular program.
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