I have a home based computer business do I need a business license? What if I LLC?

Question by Mr M: I have a home based computer business do I need a business license? What if I LLC? I have a home based computer business, do I need a business license? I am in the State of MASSACHUSETTS. I am looking to incorporate to a LLC as well, would I need a… Continue reading I have a home based computer business do I need a business license? What if I LLC?

Is a business license needed in the state of nyc for online business?

Question by : Is a business license needed in the state of nyc for online business? In some states its not required to have a business licensed to run a online business, I just want to know if its needed in the state of new york? Best answer: Answer by AndyAdAll person, or business which… Continue reading Is a business license needed in the state of nyc for online business?