If I register as self employed, will it affect my current PAYE tax in my Full Time regular job?

Question by Father Crowe: If I register as self employed, will it affect my current PAYE tax in my Full Time regular job? I am looking to start a small home based business, while still keeping on my regular Full-Time job and was wondering if I register as self-amployed via HMRC what effect, if any… Continue reading If I register as self employed, will it affect my current PAYE tax in my Full Time regular job?

Q&A: Landlord’s permission to start a home based business….?

Question by Ryanne: Landlord’s permission to start a home based business….? I’m starting a small home based business. Nothing big I’m going to tie die baby clothes and sell them on ebay and out of as many stores as I can find. I live in an appartment and asked if this was ok, They said… Continue reading Q&A: Landlord’s permission to start a home based business….?