Question by sheribebe817: Do you have an online business?? I would love to be a part of it? I’ve been looking for an online business to join to make extra income,but there are so many scams out there, don’yt know who to trust. If you have a home biz pls contact me I would be… Continue reading Do you have an online business?? I would love to be a part of it?
Tag: would
Q&A: When it comes to earrings would you be more prone to buying a pair off the shelf or something one of a kind?
Question by irishprimadonna: When it comes to earrings would you be more prone to buying a pair off the shelf or something one of a kind? I started a small home based business making handmade custom one of a kind jewelry and it has been doing fairly decent but I am trying to research more… Continue reading Q&A: When it comes to earrings would you be more prone to buying a pair off the shelf or something one of a kind?